The INeS Basic Course provides an introduction to inland waterway transport on the Danube.
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INeS Danube is an e-learning platform open to all interested at www.ines-danube.info. It provides a modern form of education in the field of logistics on inland waterways in the Danube region with particular reference to intermodality. The platform caters to the needs of different target groups, whether pupils or students of educational institutions focusing on logistics, practitioners like shipping companies or the manufacturing industry. Other INeS e-learning platforms focussing on other European regions can be found on www.ines.info.

- European waterways
- The Danube and its tributaries
- Characteristics and classification of infrastructure
- Maintenance, expansion and extension of the transport network
- Infrastructure and economics
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Inland Vessels
- Main types of vessels and convoys
- Overview of crew members
- Analysis of the Danube fleet
- Physics of inland vessels
- Inland waterway fleet modernisation
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- Ports and transhipment sites
- Transhipment methods and equipment
- Storage of goods
- Selected Danube ports
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River Information Systems
- General information on RIS
- Fairway information
- Traffic information
- Traffic management
- Information for transport and logistics
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Market and Organisations
- The river Danube as an economic region
- The inland waterway transport market
- Supply and demand side of the IWT market
- Calculation of costs and pricing
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Intermodal IWT
- Intermodal transport by road, rail and inland waterway
- Comparing road, rail and IWT
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Ship Waste Management
- Ship waste, types and origin
- Legal Framework for ship waste management
- Reception infrastructure
- waste prevention aboard
- ship waste quiz
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- What is liquefied natural gas (LNG)?
- Current LNG marketplace
- LNG as cargo
- LNG as fuel
- LNG supply chain
- Further development
- Glossary and Quizzes
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Inland Navigation Learning Material
- Navigation
- Operation of the craft
- Cargo handling
- Marine engineering, electrical, electronic & control engineering
- Maintenance and repair
- Communication
- Health&safety and environmental protection
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Safetey Practices for Emergency Situations
- Safety of work
- Medical first aid
- Personal survival technique
- Fire fighting
- Environment protection
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Human Resource Management and Social Responsibility on Board
- Principles and good practices
- Information&communication system and data management
- Leading and Managing Teams
- International policy
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IWT Community of Practice
- Use&comparison of transport modes
- Economic geography and infrastructure of waterways
- Multimodal transport
- Innovative transport concepts and green logistics
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