Inland Navigation Lesson Material
This is the starting point for harmonized lesson material for all members of EDINNA institutions.
Find additional output from the COMPETING project
In 2019 the COMPETING project started with the following mission:
“COMPETING will pave the way for the introduction of competency based future proof education and training for inland navigation crew members throughout the European Union. Future certificates will be recognized throughout Europe. Sustainable solutions, automation and digitalisation as well as communication on a European level will be part of the education and training programs. The ultimate goal of the project is to increase labor mobility in the inland shipping sector. COMPETING is an Erasmus+ project.”

Key stakeholders (education & training institutions and social partners) cooperated on a European level in order to develop a European wide recognized and modern curriculum for IWT according to the EU Directive. This lesson material is the result of their cooperation and is accessible for all members of EDINNA institutions.